A alma de Sheila Jordan
Terminámos hoje uma entrevista de fundo (são cerca de 50 perguntas e outras tantas respostas) a Sheila Jordan na qual esta original e criativa voz do jazz fala com alma sobre a sua carreira e a sua vida, marcada por vários problemas com droga e bebida, e sobretudo sobre as suas maiores paixões - cantar e ensinar - e o seu ídolo: Charlie Parker.
Este trabalho será em breve publicado no site www.allaboutjazz.com e da data dessa publicação aqui daremos nota oportunamente.
Deixamos aqui a título de exemplo, e em inglês, algumas das suas declarações.
"I am not a diva or a star nor do I wish to be. I consider myself a messenger of the music. I am only here to carry the message. In order to keep it you have to give it away".
"The only thing I ever did was sing from the time I was 3. It was a release as a kid for me to sing. Sometimes my upbringing made me so unhappy the only way I could find release was through singing".
"I have always loved the bass and the freedom it allows me vocally. I seem to get a totally different sound when I sing with the bass. I love the sparseness and the sound of this magnificent instrument. Maybe I was a bass player in a previous life... [smile]".
"Jazz is a music that allows us emotionally and honestly to express our lives and the lives of others".
"The best jazz musician? You've got to be kidding... Charlie Parker of course... who else for me? The Bird".
"All I did was change seats on the Titanic. From booze to drugs. No future in that but my self confidence was short and it was a very dark period of my life. I had a spiritual awakening one night. It was a message that came to me loud and clear which stated: «I gave you a gift to share with the world but if you don't respect and take care of it, I will take it away from you and give it to someone else». It was a Higher Power coming through me. I know this today. I went for help and have been clean and sober now for 21 years. There is help out there if we want it".
"I have no view on politics. I am against war and young peoples' lives being shattered and destroyed. I am against poverty and brutality. Having grown up in poverty I know the plight of the young souls trying to find their way in life".
"My message is don't give up if your a struggling musician (Singers too). Be dedicated to the music. The payment will be making music with other musicians and feeling like one giant sound. In order to get to this level, you have to totally dedicate yourself. Don't give up when times are bad. You will always find a place to do your music. It might take some time but you will find it and that feeling of connecting with other musicians you are playing music with is something that money can never buy".
Terminámos hoje uma entrevista de fundo (são cerca de 50 perguntas e outras tantas respostas) a Sheila Jordan na qual esta original e criativa voz do jazz fala com alma sobre a sua carreira e a sua vida, marcada por vários problemas com droga e bebida, e sobretudo sobre as suas maiores paixões - cantar e ensinar - e o seu ídolo: Charlie Parker.
Este trabalho será em breve publicado no site www.allaboutjazz.com e da data dessa publicação aqui daremos nota oportunamente.
Deixamos aqui a título de exemplo, e em inglês, algumas das suas declarações.
"I am not a diva or a star nor do I wish to be. I consider myself a messenger of the music. I am only here to carry the message. In order to keep it you have to give it away".
"The only thing I ever did was sing from the time I was 3. It was a release as a kid for me to sing. Sometimes my upbringing made me so unhappy the only way I could find release was through singing".
"I have always loved the bass and the freedom it allows me vocally. I seem to get a totally different sound when I sing with the bass. I love the sparseness and the sound of this magnificent instrument. Maybe I was a bass player in a previous life... [smile]".
"Jazz is a music that allows us emotionally and honestly to express our lives and the lives of others".
"The best jazz musician? You've got to be kidding... Charlie Parker of course... who else for me? The Bird".
"All I did was change seats on the Titanic. From booze to drugs. No future in that but my self confidence was short and it was a very dark period of my life. I had a spiritual awakening one night. It was a message that came to me loud and clear which stated: «I gave you a gift to share with the world but if you don't respect and take care of it, I will take it away from you and give it to someone else». It was a Higher Power coming through me. I know this today. I went for help and have been clean and sober now for 21 years. There is help out there if we want it".
"I have no view on politics. I am against war and young peoples' lives being shattered and destroyed. I am against poverty and brutality. Having grown up in poverty I know the plight of the young souls trying to find their way in life".
"My message is don't give up if your a struggling musician (Singers too). Be dedicated to the music. The payment will be making music with other musicians and feeling like one giant sound. In order to get to this level, you have to totally dedicate yourself. Don't give up when times are bad. You will always find a place to do your music. It might take some time but you will find it and that feeling of connecting with other musicians you are playing music with is something that money can never buy".
Recordamos que Sheila Jordan já actuou por várias vezes em Portugal (desde o Estoril Jazz a Guimarães), tendo passado em Setembro de 2005 pelo Ciclo Internacional de Jazz de Oeiras. são desssa actuação as seguintes imagens:
Foto de João Moreira dos Santos
Foto de João Moreira dos Santos
Foto de João Moreira dos Santos
Foto de Rosa Reis
Foto de João Moreira dos Santos
Foto de João Moreira dos Santos
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